Who We Are

In 1993, MWEB acquired 501(c)3 status, with the mission to provide employment opportunities for people who are blind and visually impaired. The founders of MWEB believed that by employing people who are blind, that these employees would achieve their potential and economic independence.

In 1993, MWEB began as a two room, three employee team in Kalamazoo, Michigan. In collaboration with National Industries for the Blind (NIB), MWEB became an associated agency in the U.S. AbilityOne Program. Fulfilling U.S. AbilityOne contracts has allowed MWEB to carry out its mission as a self-sustaining non-profit.

In July 2009, four products were added to the U.S. AbilityOne Procurement List, that would define MWEB as a U.S. AbilityOne producer. The 600lbs 4ft Platinum Table, 1200lbs 6ft Platinum Table, 1200lbs 8ft Platinum Table, and 4-pack Platinum Chairs assignments placed MWEB into the blow-molded furniture supply niche it exists in today.

MWEB is a proud partner of the U.S. AbilityOne Program, and producer of SKILCRAFT® folding tables and folding chairs. Products and component parts are fully manufactured in the USA -specifically in Southwest Michigan.

MWEB is a Proud Participant in the U.S. AbilityOne Program

The U.S. AbilityOne Program provides employment to over 36,000 individuals who are visually-impaired or have significant disabilities, as well as over 2,500 veterans, including wounded warriors

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